National Sanatorium Kikuchi Keifuen

3796 Sakae, Koshi-city, Kumamoto
National Sanatorium
Kikuchi Keifuen

TEL  096-248-1131
FAX  096-248-4570

Kin no Mori Ichiza

The Hand Puppets that arrived at Kikuchi Keifuen from the Aomori Museum of Art were promptly named “Kin no Mori Ichiza” by curator Kuraoka, each receiving its name.

Together with the paintings of Kinyokai and curator Kuraoka, they energetically travel to schools across various regions, almost like assistant curators. (Konoike)

Exhibited Works

Hand Pappet

From the left:
“Finger Fox”
“Water Creature”
“The Unseen One”

Paper clay, colored pencils, watercolor, fabric, furs, yarn, wood, mixed media

The map used as the background of this page / Source: Geospatial Information Authority of Japan website / Created by editing GSI Tiles, Global Map and Shaded Relief Map (Global).